Fathers and Families Center is a one-stop shop to help fathers and expectant fathers develop the skills they need to be engaged and involved dads, providers, and citizens. This includes helping our participants get their High School Equivalency diploma; getting them job ready and preparing them for advanced trainings and careers providing employment training; and offering referral services.

Our flagship program is the Strong Fathers class. This three-week course is offered monthly from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., M–F. It is designed to provide essential fatherhood/parenting skills, job readiness preparation, and more.

To help build an even stronger family, our Strengthening Families program works with participants and their girlfriends, partners, or spouses to develop a plan for the future through our Woman Empowerment and Couples Sessions.

“I didn’t have anything when I started this program. Now I have my HSE diploma, and my wife was able to get hers. I have a great job, and my son is proud of both of us. This program isn’t just about fatherhood; it is about life.”
